We’ve Added More Choices To School Choice
To us, it’s all about choices. Today’s student has long needed these choices to better align with their varied learning styles to maximize success. Not all students respond to the same delivery system when it comes to a primary education curriculum.
That’s where we come in—providing a blending of time-tested classical curriculum and delivered in modern, efficient, and exciting ways. From traditional bricks and mortar to completely virtual settings, Optima Schools has something to fit the varied needs and learning styles of today’s students and their families. We define ourselves as an ‘Education Experience Company’ because matching the right experience with the right student is where measurable, positive changes in student success begin.
We know one style of learning does not fit all, so we’re making sure all learning styles can find something that fits them.

In-person Learning
Optima Academies are traditional, brick-and-mortar public charter schools delivering a scholarly environment, a classical education model, and a time-tested liberal arts and sciences curriculum for grades K to 12. They are tuition-free and privately managed under contract with their local school districts and are open to all children regardless of income or zip code.
Each academy’s faculty delivers a content-rich rigorous curriculum using traditional classroom instruction and teaching methods. Uniforms are worn in a scholarly environment, ensuring that training students’ hearts and minds remain the focus of each school day.
Current and Announced Academy Locations
Future Academy Locations

Optima Independent is a branch of OptimaEd that services the world-wide independent (private) school community. Independent schools can partner with this branch to provide their own full time virtual school, offer just certain courses or teleport students back in history or far-away lands with amazing virtual reality field trips. Current curriculum is for grades 3-8 but other grades will be added. Click Here to learn more.

A Virtual Reality Public Charter School, the Optima Classical Academy is the only program of its type in the world. This tuition-free school choice opened in Fall 2022 and provides a classical curriculum and virtual reality learning opportunities for Florida students in grades 3-8. Grades will be added each year to reach grade 12. An asynchronous K-2 grade program is also in the works for Florida students. Click Here to visit OptimaClassical.org.
Optima Classical Academy and Optima Independent have many instructional methods and features in common that include:
• Live instruction – VR Headsets Provided
• Full-time or the Part-time OPTI single courses
• Daily VR Instruction & Engagement with other students
• Foreign Languages, Art, Music, PE and Clubs
• The option to be used for homeschooled students